An Aspect-oriented Implementation Method




First, I thanks to God for giving me strength to keep going since undergraduate. To my mother and father that despite being 1000 km far from me had always supported me and my family in all the ways they could and I needed. To my daughter, Heloisa, my wife, Fernanda, my brothers AndrÂe and Ricardo, and my sister-in-law, Vanessa. To my advisor, for being so competent and supporting me since undergraduate. I know it was hard. To my friends, alphabetically cited to avoid jealousy, Cuca, Denise, Eduardo, Everaldo, Isabella, Marcelo, Paula, Paulinho, and Rosaly, which also played an important role. To my PhD colleagues Tiago and Vander for reading and commenting previous versions of some chapters. To the undergrads, Ives, Madson, and Renan, that helped implementing the engine of the tool support and to the SPG research group for the discussions over those years, specially Leonardo, Rohit, Tiago, and Vander. To the PUC-Rioâs Separation of Concerns andMulti-Agent Systems group of the Tec-Comm Group/Software Engineering Laboratory (LES), specially to Alessandro Garcia and UirÂa Kulesza, for comparing the aspect-oriented and the object-oriented version of the Health Watcher software deriving interesting results. To professor Guilherme Travassos, that helped me a lot when designing the experimental study to characterize the progressive approach, and the students that performed the study. To the professors of the committee, Augusto Sampaio, Silvio Meira, Jaelson Casto, Guilherme Travassos and Paulo Masiero, for making important suggestions on how to improve this thesis. To the Informatics Center, its professors and the technical staff, for supporting my research, and to CAPES for funding it


aspect-oriented implementation method experimentos (engenharia de software) â avaliaÃÃo ciencia da computacao ferramentas de suporte (engenharia de software) - implementaÃÃo engenharia de software desenvolvimento de software â processos e mÃtodos linguagens de programaÃÃo (orientada a aspectos) â aplicaÃÃo

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