Amazônia transnacional: as redes ambientais na internet e a padronização da natureza / Transnational Amazônia: the Environmental Networks in the Internet and Standardization of the Nature




The appearance of environmental standards to define, at the start of the third millennium, rules for the relationship of men with nature is the general result of the contact between networks, like the Brazilian Grupo de Trabalho Amazônico and the transnational WWF. This study makes a semiotic analysis about these networks, to find tendencies that shape a political environment and guide vision. Complemented with interviews, the research design focuses on the dynamic of the social information movement, asking who are the ones that really make the news, who is it that copies, transforms and reproduces it, and how defines this assemblage define conservation action in Amazônia. In this way, we hope to identify the new tendencies that are appearing that can influence political deliberations like the creation of an environmental law, or abstractly shape a perception or filter, according to Peirce, or shape a new vision for new a common frame of meaning , according to Keck and Sicking.


environmental networks extensao rural redes ambientais transnational amazônia internet natureza amazônia transnacional nature internet

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