Alunos na Educação a distância: representações sociais de alunos do Sistema de Educação a distância da Academia Nacional de Polícia




The National Police Academy (Academia Nacional de Polícia - ANP) promotes requalification courses for their officers, such as the Superior Police Course (Curso Superior de Polícia - CSP) and the Special Police Course (Curso Especial de Policia - CEP). These courses are offered in a distance education system. This paper aims to understand how the student sees the distance education , throught the theory of Social Representations. The present is a qualitative research, which was carried out via interviews and data analysis. The data was collect among the students who attended the distance education system, from 2005 and 2008. In order to fulfill the researchs objectives, the students were asked about their general view of the distance education course as well as the difficulties they faced. They were also asked to discuss and contrast the two different educational parameters, distance and presential.


students view visão do aluno distance education social representations educacao educação a distância representações sociais

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