Alternatives of selection, prediction of genetic gain, estimates of correlation and coefficient of repeatability in yellow passion fruit / Alternativas de seleção, predição de ganho genético, estimativas de correlação e coeficiente de repetibilidade em maracujazeiro amarelo




The yellow passion fruit is an important tropical fruit crop in which genetic improvement needs to be increased. This work had as objective to evaluate full sib and half sib families; to evaluate the selection responses and the genetic gains by selection alternatives: selection among male parents, female/males parents (all the male parents parents), among female parents (female independent of males), among female/selected males, and combined selection; evaluate the probable improvement success through the efficiency of the selection indices; to study the correlation among the evaluated traits; to evaluate the spider mite incidence in the families, aiming the selection of resistant plants; and estimating the coefficient of repeatability of fruit physical and chemical traits of the passion fruit vine. The presence of genetic variability was evident in the studied population. In all the evaluated traits, the combined election provided the highest expected genetic gains. It was evident that, even in genotypic as in phenotypic analysis that the higher genetic gains were expected when the female genotypic coefficients of variation were applied as economic weight in all studied indices. Comparing the total genetic gains expected by the tested selection indices, it was verified that the indices of Smith &Hazel, Pesek &Baker, Williams and Mulamba &Mock were satisfactory, therefore they had provided good total gains by genotypic and phenotypic analysis. The combined selection also provided the highest gains of selection for spite mite resistance and productivity. It was also concluded that the estimates of the coefficients of repeatability gotten by the variance analysis method had been always lesser than the estimates gotten by the other methods, and that the results were highly trustworthy about the necessary numbers of measurements of all the studied traits.


seleção melhoramento vegetal selection maracujá genetic parameters passion fruit parâmetros genéticos passiflora edulis passiflora edulis

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