Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma: clinical manifestations of the same sickness? / AssociaÃÃo rinite alÃrgica/asma: prevalÃncia e impacto na gravidade da SÃndrome AlÃrgica RespiratÃria CrÃnica




Introduction - The allergic rhinitis/asthma association in the same individual, has been referred to since the time of Galeno, and is related to a more serious presentation called Chronic Respiratory Allergy Syndrome. However, there is still no consensus among the scientific community. The objective of this review was to observe at first hand, the more accepted paradigm. Methods â Searches were carried out on the bases of data in SCIELO, LILACS, MEDLINE. Publications over the last ten years in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The following key words were used: Rhinitisâ, âRhinitis and asthmaâ, âRhinitis associated asthmaâ, âRhinosinusitis and asthmaâ. Results - In the light of current knowledge, it is noticeable that the concept of allergic rhinitis and asthma as two distinct sicknesses still exists, with rhinitis still being 13 considered the more significant risk factor in asthma. This hypothesis, however, is gradually giving way to the concept of unicity of the air passages, though there is no consensus about this on the part of the scientific community. Conclusions - In the last ten years the description of a single inflammatory process involved in the physiopathology of asthma and allergic rhinitis has given rise to the concept of unicity of the air passages, but this is still not the accepted paradigm of the scientific community. We are going through a transition phase, in which the two paradigms are confused, with the single sickness one being predominant.


asthma rinite pediatria prevalÃncia rhinitis adolescente prevalence isaac asma adolescents

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