Alimentos industrializados à base de soja e fluorose em dentes decíduos / Manufactured soy food and dental fluorosis in primary dentition




Despite of the great use of manufactured soy food, scientific reports are not conclusive about the possibility of dental fluorosis in primary dentition caused by fluoride contained in these kind of food. Soy-based food is indicated especially in cases of lactose intolerance. The aims of this study were: 1) to identify the most recommended manufactured soy food for children, by Pediatricians and Nutritionists; 2) to determine the fluoride concentrations in these soy food; 3) to evaluate the prevalence of dental fluorosis in the primary dentition of 4-6-year-old children. Stage 1. The sample was composed of 20 Pediatricians and 20 Nutritionists from Bauru-SP, who answered objective-descriptive questions, about the most indicated soy food for children. Stage 2. The top 10 products were analyzed with ion-specific electrode (Orion 9409), after HMDS facilitated-diffusion. Stage 3. A dental fluorosis survey was performed at six schools in Bauru-SP with three hundred and fifteen children from 4 to 6 years old. In this group 26 children with lactose intolerance were identified. Their parents answered a questionnaire related to the child and his/her familys profile which allowed identifying the use of soy food. Deans index was used to verify the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis. Data were statistically analyzed by chi-square and multivariate logistic regression tests. Fluoride concentrations ranged between 0.03 and 0.50 µg F/mL. It was observed statistical significant difference in the fluoride concentrations among different lots of the same brand in 6 commercial analyzed. Dental fluorosis was detected in 10% of the children, with very mild and mild degrees. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was higher in private schools children (p=0.030). Dental fluorosis in primary dentition was associated with lactose intolerance, however, did not showed statistical significance with the use of manufactured soy food.


dental fluorosis primary dentition alimentos de soja dentição decídua fluorose dentária soy food

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