Alimentação fora do domicilio : a atitude do consumidor frente a informação nutricional dos alimentos disponibilizada por restaurantes, Campinas - SP. / Food away from home : the attitude of the consumer towards the nutritional information of food available in restaurants, Campinas - SP.




There is an extensive roll of scientific evidences disclosing an increase in the food consumption outside the home. In this way, the supply of nutritional information by the restaurants consists in a tool that can assist the individuals to carry out their alimentary choices (outside home) in a more conscientious way. The main objectives of the present research are: to identify the frequency of consumption of the meals eaten outside the home for the consumers, to evaluate the attitude regarding to the nutritional information available in restaurants, to determine the level of the nutritional knowledge and to identify associations statistically significant between the attitude, the knowledge and socioeconomic and demographic variables of the individuals. This study was led with 250 adult consumers (125 of gender) residents in the city of Campinas (SP). The instrument used was a questionnaire previously tested. To evaluate interviewees? attitude a Likert scale was elaborated. In order to identify the level of the nutritional knowledge it was used a questionnaire composed by 56 questions regarding to the knowledge of food sources of some nutrients and the relation between diet-disease. The identification of the attitude regarding to the nutritional information available in restaurants was made through the calculation of the average, the standard-deviation, the percentage of the answers of each category of the scale and the alpha coefficient of Cronbach. It was used the Multiple Linear Regression with the intention to identify significant association between the attitude referring to the nutritional information available in the food services and the nutritional knowledge with the socio-economic and demographic variables. To verify the association between the frequency of consumption of the lunch eaten in different places with the socioeconomic and demographic features it as used test t of Student, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Test of LSD of Fisher. And, finally, to diagnose a relation between the attitude on the nutritional information and the nutritional knowledge, the coefficient of correlation of Pearson was used. The results disclosed that 98% of the sample used to lunch outside the houses and this was the meal more frequently eaten outside home, the restaurant used more frequently to have lunch was one of the type self service, being hygiene the factor considered of higher importance for the choice of the establishment. About 78% of the interviewed consumers agreed a lot that the nutritional information of foods offered in the restaurants are basic for consumers who need to have a specific diet. About 54,8% disclosed an extremely positive attitude in relation to the nutritional information available in the restaurants. In relation to the nutritional knowledge, it is verified that 50% of the participants got higher grades to 6,3 for the knowledge of the nutrients and, above 7,5 for the relation diet-disease. The statistical tests detected significant associations between the frequency of consumption of the meals outside the house, the level of nutritional knowledge and the attitude with the socio-economic and demographic variables. A positive association was identified between the attitude regarding to the nutritional information and the nutritional knowledge of the individuals. The results of this research can support the development of governmental programs in the area of nutritional information. They support the importance of campaigns for specific groups of the population for the promotion of a healthful feeding.


serviço de alimentação consumo de alimentos habitos alimentares levantamentos nutricionais food habits food consumption surveys food consumption food service

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