Aliança entre movimentos ambientalistas e de consumidores: o caso da Campanha por Brasil Livre de Transgênicos / Alliance between environmental movements and consumers: the case of the "Campaign for Free Brazil transgenic "


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




By analyzing the trajectory of the alliance between environmentalists and consumers in the Campaign for a Transgenic-Free Brazil, represented in this research, respectively, by Greenpeace and Idec, we identified it as a backdrop for the reconstruction of discourses on consumption and environment. From this approach, we promote a reflection on the emergence of new social utopias and social movements from around the environmental issue and the new strategies used by the actors face the possibilities of political action through the market. Illustrating the trend of a growing rapprochement between the agendas of environmentalists and consumer rights movement, the Campaign has proved to be a privileged object for the observation of a new set of practices forged under a new arrangement of social forces.


movimentos sociais transgênicos mercados sociologia social movements gmos markets

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