Algoritmos genéticos híbridos sem delimitadores de rotas para problemas de roteirização de veículos. / Hybrid genetic algorithms without trip delimeters for vehicle routing problems.




In the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) we seek for a set of minimum-cost vehicle routes for a fleet of identical vehicles, each starting and ending at a depot, such that each customer is visited exactly once and the total demand of any route does not exceed the vehicle capacity. Several families of heuristics have been proposed for the VRP. They can be broadly classified into two main classes: classical heuristics developed between 1960 and 1990, and, more recently, metaheuristics. Among them, tabu search plays an key role, being acknowledged by most authors as the most successful approach for the VRP. In the literature some successful implementations of metaheuristic Genetic Algorithm (GA) can be found for classic routing problems such as the traveling salesman and vehicle routing problems with time windows. However, until recently, the same did not apply for the VRP. In this thesis we develop a genetic algorithm without trip delimiters, and hybridized with a local search procedure, for the solving the VRP, which is based on the work of Prins (2004). At any time, a chromosome can be converted into an optimal VRP solution (subject to chromosome sequence) by means of a splitting procedure, in which the chromosome sequence, representing a giant tour, is partitioned into feasible routes in terms of vehicle capacities. Starting with the procedure originally proposed Prins (2004), we then introduce new improvements in terms of the different components of the GA, aiming to obtain improved solutions. These include how we determine the initial population, different partitioning approaches, alternative reproduction (crossover) processes, a granular tabu mechanism similar to the one proposed by Toth and Vigo (2003 and, finally, in changes in the reinitialization process, aiming to reestablish diversity. Computational experiments are presented, based on the 14 classical Christofides instances for the VRP. The results show that the proposed improved versions of the GA allow us to obtain better solutions when compared to the original approach by Prins (2004).


algoritmos genéticos heuristics roteirização de veículos vehicle routing problems genetic algorithms heurística

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