Aldeamentos e política indigenista no bispado de Pernambuco séculos XVII e XVIII




This work aims at getting to understand the dynamics of the indigenous settlements and the way the conflicts that concerned this space, established as strategy of the royal administration for expanding and accomplishing the Portuguese presence in Brazil, were solved, studying the settlement missions of Pernambuco and those that were under jurisdiction of the bishopric of this captainship, which included the missions of Alagoas, Paraíba, Rio Grande and Ceará in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In that perspective, we work on the religious orders analyzing how they ran the villages and overcame their internal problems regarding the behavior of the Indian, the territorial limitations and the work of catechism, we will also observe the role of the institution created by the Portuguese State for intervening in the matters regarding the indigenous catechism, that is the Board of Missions of Pernambuco, which interceded in several conflicts. The methodology employed is founded on the analysis of a number of documents that are found in the Laboratory of Education and Researches in History of the Federal University of Pernambuco (LAPEH-UFPE) that are part of the Projeto Resgate (Rescue Project), in the Book of Records regarding the terms of the Board of Missions of Pernambuco at the time of the governor Félix José Machado of the National Library of Lisbon, and on documents of the Public File Jordão Emerenciano of Pernambuco (APEJE) . Thus, the need for discussing those differences between Metropolis and Colony arises, tending to a comprehension of what occurred at that time that interfered in the subsequent conditions for the indigenous peoples


historia junta das missões indians board of missions missionários settlement missionaries Índios aldeamento

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