Alcoholism in rural areas: biographical situation of relatives of patients admitted to a general hospital


Esc. Anna Nery




Resumo Objetivo: Compreender a situação biográfica de familiares de alcoolistas residentes no meio rural internados em hospital geral. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da Sociologia Fenomenológica de Alfred Schutz. Foram entrevistados 15 familiares de alcoolistas hospitalizados para tratamento. A coleta ocorreu entre agosto de 2015 a julho de 2016. As informações foram organizadas a partir da análise fenomenológica de Schutz, que resultou em três categorias concretas. Resultados: As categorias concretas constituíram as experiências vividas dos familiares de alcoolistas: consumo de álcool no mundo social de familiares de alcoolistas; relação face a face entre familiar-alcoolista: sobrecarga, adoecimento e separação; e, motivos que levaram o familiar a cuidar do alcoolista. Conclusão e implicações para a prática: Identificaram-se a repetição do histórico de alcoolismo na família, o quadro clínico do alcoolista interferindo no relacionamento entre os membros da família, trazendo consequências para todo o grupo familiar, e o cuidado dispensado ao alcoolista motivado pelos vínculos afetivos, aspectos morais e pelo fato do alcoolista manter boa convivência social quando sóbrio. Notou-se a necessidade de que a enfermagem favoreça a participação da família no cuidado, fortalecendo-a para enfrentar as dificuldades inerentes às interações, contribuindo, assim, para relações face a face saudáveis entre alcoolistas e seus familiares.Abstract Objective: To understand the biographical situation of relatives of alcoholics living in rural areas admitted to a general hospital. Method: Qualitative research, with an approach based on the Phenomenological Sociology of Alfred Schutz. We performed interviews with 15 relatives of alcoholics hospitalized for treatment. The collection took place between August 2015 and July 2016. The information was organized from the phenomenological analysis of Schutz, which resulted in three concrete categories. Results: The concrete categories were: “The lived experiences of the relatives of alcoholics: alcohol consumption in the social world of relatives of alcoholics”; “Face-to-face relationship between relative-alcoholic: overload, illness and estrangement”; and “Reasons that led the relative to take care of the alcoholic”. Conclusion and implications for practice: We identified the repetition of the family history of alcoholism; the clinical picture of the alcoholic interfering with the relationship between the family members, bringing consequences for the whole family group; and the care provided to the alcoholic motivated by affective bonds, moral aspects, as well as by the fact that the alcoholic maintains a good social coexistence when sober. We noted the need for nursing to foster family participation in care actions, strengthening it to cope with the inherent difficulties of interactions, thereby contributing to healthy face-to-face relationships between alcoholics and their relatives.

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