Ala vermelha: revolução, autocrítica e repressão judicial no Estado de São Paulo (1967-1974) / Red wing: revolution, self-criticism and judicial repression in the São Paulo state (1967-1974)




The purpose of this work is to tell the story of the Red Wing, an organization that appeared originally as a dissidence inside the Brazilian Communist Party (PC do B) and became an autonomous party in 1966. From 1968 to 1971, it became actively involved in the Brazilian social struggle and even carried out armed actions to expropriate funds and disseminate revolutionary propaganda. The Red Wing had an unique trait that would distinguish it from other guerrilla groups operating at that time: in the heat of the armed struggle, this organization set off a self-criticism procedure focused on the very fight it was engaged on. This procedure was started in 1969 and culminated in 1974, when the organization concluded that its option for immediate armed reaction had been a mistake


ala vermelha; autocrítica; golpe de 64; luta armada; repressão 1964 coup; armed struggle; red wing; repression; self-criticism

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