Águas pluviais para usos não potáveis em escolas municipais: estudo de caso na região da baixada de Jacarepaguá, RJ. / Rainwater for non potable uses in municipal schools: study of case in the region of Baixada de Jacarepaguá- RJ.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Rainwater harvesting does not constitute a new strategy or technology. However, recently it has been proposed in well-developed regions or in development (peri-urban) in response to long periods of dryness, increased demand for water, greater public awareness of urban flooding and its genesis, and increased interest in sustainable construction practices, incorporating also the rational use of water. Schools are an important foundation of the nation and has influence in the development of society and awareness about environmental issues. Many of the uses of water in schools involve less noble uses of water. In this context, this dissertation in addition to the analysis of legal frameworks in this matter was held survey (interview and questionnaire) with actors who interfere in the decision-making process of the use of rainwater for non potable purposes in schools. Schools physical- constructive conditions were observed of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, especially in the region of the 7th CRE, which covers the region of Baixada de Jacarepaguá, area in expansion of the city. It was implemented a unit for collection and characterization of rainwater quality, plus the characterisation and study of volumes of first flush. The water quality parameters pH, T, DO, ORP, Tu, TDS, Conductivity and Salinity, were observed with the aid of multi-parameter probe and, through laboratory testing in accordance with the Standard Methods, the fecal coliforms. In the study of perception was verified a wide acceptance of the use of rainwater for drinking purposes, although school directors have submitted divergent perception/information about consumption and water bills of the schools in its coordination. In the analysis of water quality parameters versus rainfall records was observed a certain variability in the rainfall events observed that limited the correlation between them, and ended up limiting the conclusions of the studies of volumes for the first washing and disposal (first flush). The search results allowed to recommend the implementation of public policies for rainwater utilization for potable purposes in schools, but with a technological support. It is recommended the improvement and automation of the rainwater collection system for studies of first-flush and optimization of disposition volumes.


abastecimento e águas pluviais escolas municipais usos não potáveis primeira lavagem engenharias supply and rainwater municipal schools non potable uses first- flush

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