Agroflorestas sucessionais no assentamento Fruta D anta - MG: potenciais e limitações para a transição agroecológica




This research was based on a case study at Fruta DAnta settlement, a rural community located at João Pinheiro, Minas Gerais, Brazil. At the site was possible to note how the conventional agriculture technologies and the idea of productivism are great part of the production dynamic and define the agroecosystems design implanted by the local farmers. Consortiums of policultures implanted as agroforestry systems were proposed to the farmers to diffuse techniques and practices that promote the conversion of conventional models into sustainable models based on the agroecology principles. Three modules of agroforestry systems were implanted in different sites of the community to demonstrate the practical results. The agroforestry system model planted was the type complex and oriented by the species natural succession, know as Successional Agroforestry. Concomitant to the agroforestry system proposed, the use of rocks for crops as a natural fertilizer was also a part of this research, which has already been used at some sites of the community in the past. Semi-structured interviews were done as a part of a socioeconomical and environmental diagnose of the farmers involved. During the research, there was also built a greenhouse at the community central area as a manner to diffuse the utilization of trees and perennial cultures, in addiction to fortify the collective work in the community. The agroforestry systems implanted had developed well, specially the perennial species and the leguminoseaes planted with organic-mineral fertilization (rocks and organic compost). The manage of the agroforestry systems were well done by the farmers, showing that they had satisfactory understanding about the ecological processes of the use of organic composts, leguminosae (green manuring), tree and policulture consortiums. The results of the experience with agroforestry systems demonstrated that the community of Fruta DAnta have enormous potential to promote the agroecological transition, specially those farmers involved in the research. The most significant elements to this transition are the low external imputs and the manual work intensive prouction. However, a serie of transition process limitations can also be identified, mainly related of production low diversity and the lack of ecological alternatives for the productive systems.


outros agroflorestas sucessionais agroecological transition transição agroecológica successional agroforestry agroecologia land distribution and environment. reforma agrária e meio ambiente agroecology

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