Agroecologia e universidade: entre vozes e silenciamentos / Agroecology and university: between voices and silences


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this research sought to understand how higher education in Agronomy, at present, contributes to the formation of professionals capable of understanding the ecological and social crisis of modernity and its interrelations with the current production system, and especially able to build solutions and critically act to reverse it. Specifically, it aimed to examine the approach of agroecology and environmental knowledge in the curriculum and pedagogical projects of the public courses of Agricultural Engineering of São Paulo. This research appears as exploratory; we used different methodological tools, namely: document analysis and content analysis for the revision of compulsory and elective curriculum, analysis of the pedagogical projects and identification of events and related extension groups, interviews semi-structured information for teachers responsible for the discipline of agroecology or similar within each course, and a structured questionnaire applied to the course coordinators, with the aim of capturing the institutional approach of agroecology courses. There is, firstly, that an institutional discourse of agroecology is important for training and therefore the educational institutions have included this approach in their curricula. Moreover, to cast a glance at major academic activities that constitute the trajectory of the student of Agricultural Engineering, we find that the institutional discourse does not always correspond to everyday reality of university space. There are whispers about agroecology in the curricula, but the courses are clearly much more heavily focused on the reproduction of a model of agricultural development that, despite the serious social and environmental problems generated by it, continues to be fueled by higher education institutions in crop science. However, even counter and numerically insignificant number, initiatives are well founded around the area of agroecology and areas directly or indirectly related to it. The challenge for the inclusion of agroecological focus on training of Agricultural Engineers is twofold: to promote both an epistemological change of concepts treated as a methodological change, driven by the complex nature of these same concepts. The voices that dare to appear amid the silence of much of the university in the face of complex socio-environmental issues in agriculture are voices that can reverberate and drive processes not surrender to what is accepted as inexorably proposed, these voices are given shape when combined with other similar dynamic movements and in different spheres that transcend the higher education, because the struggle to build a new rationality, ultimately, is one.


agricultural ecology currículos e programas curriculum and programs ecologia agrícola sustainability sustentabilidade universidade. university

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