Aglomeração industrial de empresas do vestuário no município de Londrina




The growth of the agglomerations of firms - in different sectors and regions of Brazil - has stimulated the accomplishment of studies on the subject. The objective of the work is to carry through a study with the industries of clothes in the city of Londrina, aiming to identify in the locality, the existence of an agglomeration of companies of the sector and to carry through inferences on its degree of development. Starting from a previous research carried through by the IPARDES (2003) ? which has identified the micron-region of Londrina-Cambé as an important agglomeration of clothing industries ? this study aims to give a step ahead, carrying through a research in the main city of the micron-region for the chosen sector. The method procedures had involved a literature revision on agglomerations and research on the local environment. The RAIS database was used to supply the number of jobs and establishments of the sector in the region, and to calculate the ?quociente localcional? (index of productive specialization). A research with the local clothing industries was carried through to identify its characteristics, context and relationships between firms and other agents. The results had indicated that an agglomeration of industries of clothes in Londrina exists. The agglomeration is composed mainly for micro and small companies, with incipient degree of cooperation between them, presence of networked governance and some relations of subcontracting (characteristic common to other agglomerations of the same sector, located in other regions of the country). Although Londrina possess a developed infrastructure ? with the presence of institutions of support to the companies ? the links between the agents are note developed, and there is no cultural identity between the entrepreneurs, to help in the cooperation relationships. The results had indicated that the local posses a high potential for the growing of a developed local productive arrangement (capable of if becoming a innovative system). But, currently, only one informal agglomeration (or local productive arrangement, in development) is configured.


vestuário - indústria - administração indústria do vestuário - x londrina industrialização - londrina desenvolvimento regional clothing and dress - industry industrialization

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