Adubação foliar em arroz irrigado / Foliar fertilization in irrigated rice




With the objective of evaluating the technical and economical efficiency of the use of foliate fertilization in substitution the urea, it was evaluated the productivity and their effects in the grain milling quality, germination, vigor and seed health. It was used the variety EPAGRI 108 in the pre germinated system, with aerial sowing by airplane Ipanema equipped with electronic flag, in a density of 100kg/ha, a check without fertilizer and without urea (T1), fertilization in the base of 100 kg/ha, the formula 02-20-20 (T2), 100 kg/ha of the formula 02-20-20 more 5 l/ha foliate formula N32%, more Zn 1% applied three times (T3), 100kg/ha of the formula 02-20-20 in the base, more 5l/ha of N32% applied three times (T4), 150kg/ha of the formula 00-08-24 more 114kg/ha of the formula 25-00-25 for the base fertilization, 70 urea kg/ha and more 50 urea kg/ha as cover fertilization. The statistic analysis was done by a completely random design with three replications. The results indicated that the productivity, grain milling quality, germination, vigor did not differ significantly for the Test F at 5% of probability.


germination custo-benefício irrigated rice yield benefit-cost relation arroz irrigado foliar nutrition germinação agronomia rendimento de engenho pre germinated seed vigor pré-germinado, adubo foliar milling produtividade

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