Adoniran Barbosa : nem trabalho, nem malandragem / Adoniran Barbosa : neither work nor truancy


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation proposes an extended treatment on the aesthetic and thematic features of songs by Adoniran Barbosa, mainly in his lyrics, which led to interest of cultural agents in the rescue of the "authentic" samba, throughout the process of redefinition of MPB (Brazilian Popular Music), from the 60?s to the late 70?s. In order to do so, the song lyrics presented in his first three LPs were studied: Adoniran Barbosa 1974, Adoniran Barbosa 1975, and Adoniran and Guests 1980. In the period chosen we have questioned what the criteria for choosing the songs were, from the perspective of cultural producers, and analyzed possible influences in the composition of some of these works, according to political, economic and socio-cultural contexts, as well as how several of these songs have been read and understood over twenty years later. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part consists of two chapters. The first covers the line of development of Adoniran?s work. In this chapter, the artist is contextualized as part of the rationalization process of the cultural industry in Brazil - according to Frankfurt School concepts - and this process, which happens to coincide with a time of great political and ideological tension, during the military regime, is comprehended as the consolidation of a unique and conducive scenario that allows the formation of the renewed MPB. The rescue of the figure of Adoniran at that point, in my view, has a political, ideological and cultural meaning which is very important and unique in the construction and consolidation of Brazilian music and culture. In the second chapter, the main criticisms on the analyzed albums were studied, mostly from newspapers and LP inserts, with the objective to expose how journalists, intellectuals and music critics have influenced the constitution of Adoniran?s presence in the tradition of samba. The second part of the dissertation, also in two different chapters, is the analysis of the lyrics presented in the corpus, aiming to develop the ambiguous character of Adoniran Barbosa?s songs in relation to three recurring debates in the context of renewed MPB: work x truancy; tradition x progress; local sound x universal sound. In the first chapter, the goal is to read Adoniran songs, from a perspective of reception, as resistance to the existing order and work ethics, as they take an opposite direction from the traditional discourse of truancy presented in sambas from Rio. It s a way of resistance, which denounces the universe of suburban work. The second chapter is dedicated to the understanding of the São Paulo elite?s posture of criticism and opposition to an ideal of progress, as they believe the state to be "the locomotive of the country" since the beginning of the century. Also in this chapter, we have presented the aesthetical and ideological debate in the Brazilian music from that period, the 60´s and the 70´s: on one hand the local, "authentic" and "native/root" sound, represented by the renewed MPB; on the other, the universal, "innovative" and "modern" sound, represented by Jovem Guarda and Tropicália.


canção (música) música popular indústria cultural literatura brasileira barbosa adoniran chanson (music) popular music culture industry brazilian literature

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