Adolescências caprichadas: modos de produção da sexualidade feminina


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper has the objective of investigating how the discourse presented at the section Sexo at CAPRICHO magazine examines the female adolescence, especially their sexuality. This study is theoretically grounded in the field of Cultural Studies and its post-structuralist derivation. Besides some Michel Foucault s proposals, the theoretical references that composed this research also included the authors Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, Stuart Hall, Raquel Pereira Quadrado, Paula Regina Costa Ribeiro, Guacira Lopes Louro, Alfredo Veiga-Neto. Following this line of thought, we understand the sexualities and adolescences not only constituted by biological or scientific determinism, but also as a sociohistorical and cultural construction produced in power-knowledge relations and for everything that is said and that is represented about these characteristics. In our contemporaneity, the expansion, production and spread of multiple discourses forms on sexuality and adolescence issues happen due to the fact that the institutions considered as the traditional ones - school, family, church - are sharing or disputing space with other instances that contribute with the processes of subjectification of the subjects. In this sense, among the instances that have been acting in these constitution processes, this paper has as its analysis corpus the printed media, especially the section Sexo from CAPRICHO magazine, analyzed from August 2008 to August 2009. The analysis on the discourse network presented at this cultural pedagogy made it possible to realize how much this section has been acting as a space where teenage girls confess their ways of living their sexualities and how much the knowledge on this theme is attributed to the sciences and to the voices to whom authority and capacity to talk about this issue were granted. The professionals summoned to talk about sexuality at the section Sexo belong to the areas of Psychology, Gynecology, Sexology and Sexual therapy. Their contributions to the section Sexo are a kind of consulting or guidance, once they are based on the readers positions, behaviors, pleasures, fears and desires that the sex experts point out, analyze, evaluate and rule the adolescents sexuality. This way, trying to have official discourses, the section Sexo produces and spreads them and it has the scientific support, promoting trustworthy and reliability to its content. Thus, CAPRICHO magazine constitutes itself in a cultural pedagogy that produces and spreads meanings on female adolescent sexuality based on scientific discourses, the magazine, through its section Sexo institutes truths on the ways that adolescents must live their sexualities.


artefatos culturais revista capricho sexo educacao adolescência sexualidade feminina female sexuality adolescence sex capricho magazine cultural artifacts

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