Adolescência e subalternidade: o ato infracional como mediação com o mundo




This paper is the result of daily observations during the exercise of supervisory functions at the Probation Facility of Grande Norte for the State Foundation of Well-Being of the Minor FEBEM-SP (the acronym corresponds to the Portuguese original). It intends to examine the relationship between subalternity and the commission of offences. The subjects studied are juveniles residing in Guarulhos who are currently on probation. One cannot simplify the complex phenomenon that is the commission of offences by juveniles by attributing it solely to poverty or to the life conditions to which they have been submitted along with their families. What has been observed during the treatment of juveniles on probation is that the subalternity inherent in their lives is often a defining factor to their behavior. This paper aims at revealing the truth beyond first impression and determining the role of subalternity in this process as a link between the conditions of life of these juveniles and the offences committed by them. The methodology used for data collection included participatory observation, bibliographical research, documental analysis and verbal history; and for data analysis the method used was materialist-historical Dialectic with a view to uncovering the object of study


adolescente infrator statute of the child and the adolescent guarulhos identidade medidas socioeducativas identity estatuto da criança e do adolescente guarulhos subalternity criancas e adolescentes -- estatuto legal, leis, etc -- brasil liberdade assistida probation socio-educational measures servico social menores infratores liberdade assistida subalternidade juvenile offender

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