Adolescência, corpo e câncer : sobre a escuta psicanalítica no hospital / Adolescence, body and cancer: on the psychoanalytic listening in the hospital


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation deals with the adolescent transition crisscrossed by the cancer experience proposing to investigate the subjective implications of this disease in teenagers and its consequent mutilations as well as the expressions of discomfort and the attempts to elaborate the mourning. The insertion of the psychoanalyst in the hospital and the possible psychoanalytic practice with adolescents were the starting points to consider the possibility of making the psychoanalytic research in dialogue with the health field. The listening of teenagers in hospitals evoked the first questions about the losses that reveal the vulnerability of the body and the psychic labor of adolescents in order to reintegrate the corporeal changes to their body image. Organic illness and the transformations of puberty should face the teenager to the Real of the body which will need to be reframed. To Psychoanalysis the adolescence is a singular moment of psychic organization involving a new position before the corporeal changes and events so to be recognized in a new subjective position. During this path clinical cases were used which evoked the theorization, based upon the framework of Psychoanalysis, about the body issues and the adolescent transition marked by cancer. The clinic calls the analyst to theorize about the effect of his practice so he can be an author, being the construction of the clinical case an elaboration of the analyst-researcher who tries to learn what comes out from transference: the subject. The psychoanalytic research will not be considered dissociated from the practice and the clinic as well as from being based upon ethics and the place of the analyst in the social bond. Keywords: adolescence; psychoanalysis; body; cancer; hospital.


adolescente - psicanÁlise - dissertaÇÕes cÂncer - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes psicologia social

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