Adensamento do palhiço da cana-de-açucar utilizando helicoides conicos / Compaction of sugar cane trash using helical cones




This thesis aimed to show that agricultural producers could widen their role as consumers of agricultural lime - in Brazil, 70% of farmable soil is considered to be acid and require liming - and that such consumption would contribute to its sustainability, providing gains in the economic, social and environmental spheres. In addition, the use of agricultural lime is a practice considered important and should include family sized farms, currently on the margins of this market, considering that at the moment the greatest consumers of this corrective are the large and medium sized producers of soybean, corn, sugarcane, citrus products, coffee and cattle. In order to make such a strategy viable, both the potential supply and potential demand of this material were characterized. In Brazil, the productive park already installed consists of more than 300 companies, operating at an average of 57% of their total capacity, and there are reserves of calcareous rocks distributed throughout the Federation in satisfactory quantity and quality. Whilst the annual market potential for consumption of this material was estimated as 75 million tons, current consumption is only 17 million tons, corresponding to 22% of the real need of the Country s soils. The public and private policies developed up to the present time supporting the use of this material, were then analysed, and finally a group of actions were proposed, aiming at constructing a policy directed at the consumption of agricultural lime, with emphasis on family farms


sugarcane energia da biomassa cana de açucar trash recovery biomassa vegetal compaction renewable energy energia - fontes alternativas

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