Adaptação Cultural da Hardiness Scale (HS) / Cross-cultural Adaptation of Hardiness Scale (HS)




Hardiness is a concept that is increasingly being used in order to explain possible individual differences in the coping of stress. The instruments for measuring hardiness are in English language and of witch opted for the cultural adaptation of the Hardiness Scale, original United States of America, by Bartone, Ursano, Wright and Ingraham (1989). Its purpose is to assess how much Hardy attitudes the people have in coping with stressful situations. It is a Likert-type scale, with scores ranging from 0 (not true) to 3 (completely true), it contains 30 items that are distributed in three domains (Commitment, Control and Challenge). The objectives of this study were to perform cultural adaptation of the Hardiness Scale into Portuguese of Brazil, to evaluate the reliability and construct validity of the adapted version. The steps proposed by Ferrer et al. (1996) were followed, namely: 1. Translation to Portuguese language (Consensus: Version I in Portuguese), 2. Evaluation by the Committee of Review (Version II in Portuguese), 3. Back translation, 4. Semantics evaluation of the items (Version III in Portuguese), 5. Pre-test (Final Version Portuguese) and 6. Analysis of the properties of the adapted measure. The data from the application of the instrument was conducted with nurses from the public health service in two cities country side of São Paulo State, totalizing 71 participants. The internal reliability measured by use of Cronbachs Alpha achieved the following values: for the composition of the scale was .732, while the areas showed Commitment to .683, .632 for Control and 0.441 to Challenge. In the analysis of the adapted Hardiness Scale concerning the validity of construct obtained significant and positive relation with the Inventory of Coping Strategies of Folkman and Lazarus, and negative and significant with the Beck Depression Inventory. It can be concluded that the Hardiness Scale, it is adapted to the Portuguese language of Brazil, with satisfactory internal consistency and construct validity in the studied population and its findings corroborate with current literature


nurse adaptação cultural hardiness cross-cultural adaptation enfermeiro hardiness

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