Acuracia da mamografia no diagnostico do cancer de mama inicial em mulheres sintomaticas com idade entre 35 e 49 anos
Cesar Cabello dos Santos
Three thousand, five hundred e and seventy-six patients aged 35 to 49 years old medical notes was reviwed to evaluate the capacity of the mammography to make diagnosis of breast cancer in the early stages. This women had attended to the New Patients Clinics in the Breast Unit of the Guy s Hospital of London refered with breast complains from 1985 to 1990. It was éalculeted sensitivity, especificity, positive and negatives preditive values and acuracy of general population and particular groups. The results showed that mammography presented high capacity to detect early breast cancer in symptomatic patients aged 35 to 49 years old. The exam presented high acuracy in the most evaluated groups. In patients with clinical finding of dominant lump, mammography improved the clinical dianosis. Furthmore,mammography was of the capital importance to make diagnosis of cancer in patients I without a dominat with 80% of the cases diagnosis in this group.
mamografia mulheres jovens mamas - cancer
- Desempenho da mamografia no diagnostico do cancer da mama em mulheres de 35 a 50 anos
- Desempenho da Mamografia no Diagnóstico do Câncer da Mama em Mulheres de 35 a 50 Anos
- Marcadores moleculares em câncer de mama em mulheres jovens (idade _ 35 anos): estudo comparativo com mulheres pós-menopausa (idade entre 50 - 65 anos)
- Perfil do câncer de mama em mulheres com idade inferior a 40 anos
- Acurácia do Linfonodo Sentinela em Pacientes com Câncer Inicial da Mama Tratadas com Quimioterapia Neoadjuvante