Actor s poetic vocabulary / Vocabulario poetico do ator




The text presented here is the result of a research that investigated a possibility for the constitution of what we called Actor´s Poetic Vocabulary. Our work consisted in identifying, elaborating, applying and verifying a set of theoretical-practical activities directed towards the technical-creative development of the actor, from the perspective of the bodily voice and the body´s dramaturgy. In this work, the procedures adopted comprised theoretical studies and the creative process of the theatrical performance Transparência da Carne, produced by the theatrical company República Cênica. As a result - with both conceptual and practical implications -, a tecnhical-poetical approach was elaborated, supported by the principles of bodily as happening. The structural system of such approach consists of three-dimensional circumstances in which the principles of silence, of erasure and of writing delimited a field of study of sensitive knowledge as a founder of the poetical writing scene


process of creation contemporary theater voz poetica corporeidade da voz poetical voice bodily voice teatro contemporaneo processo de criação body s dramaturgy dramaturgia do corpo

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