Acordos de Livre Comércio, Desnacionalização e Sistemas Financeiros: os casos Brasil, Chile e México.




The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between the implementation of free trade agreements and the denationalization process of financial systems of Latin America. The study object is the financial industry of Mexico, Chile and Brazil from 1991 to 2005. In this sense, the framework of this thesis is the denationalization and its relation to the economic liberalism, specially which concerns free trade agreements. The idea of free trade is maybe one of the most representative fundaments of economic liberalism or its contemporary version: the neoliberalism. While in the internal level of the nations the neo liberal authors defended privatization, the reduction of State role, tax adjustments and representative democracy, in the level of international relations, they basically defended the promotion of free trade as a way to stimulate the economic development. The free trade agreements, themselves, were some of the most important mechanisms through which the neoliberal principle started being shaped at the end of the twentieth century. The agreements celebrated by Mexico and Chile with the United States and the European Union, as well as the ones in negotiation among MERCOSUL South Cone Market European Union and AFTA Americas Free Trade Area have an element of ample liberalization of their financial services. One of the topics that mostly attracted the interest of European and American investors. The mechanisms that permeated the negotiations, limit the capacity of the national states to adopt internal regulatory measures, and allow private investors to legally question, the states that promote measures contrary to the negotiated terms. The result of this process reveals a substantial increase of foreign participation in the two first countries and a crescent interest of international financial corporations in the Brazilian market.


sistemas financeiros. historia acordos de livre comércio desnacionalização

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