Acoplamento spin-fonon em sistemas magneticamente frustrados / Spin-phonon coupling in magnetically frustrated systems




In this thesis we present an investigation of two magnetically frustrated systems, namely the RMn2O5 series (R = Eu, Bi, Dy) and the intermetallic compound GdAl3, in addition to the double perovskite compound Sr2CoUO 6. These systems were studied mainly using the Raman spectroscopy technique and complemented with magnetic susceptibility measurements. For the system RMn2O5 (R = Bi, Eu, and Dy), we present a study of the low- and high-frequency optical phonons. All studied materials show anomalous phonon shifts below a new characteristic temperature, T*~ 60-65 K. The sign and magnitude of such shifts appear to be correlated with the ionic radius of R. For instance, the high-energy phonons evolve from softenings for R = Bi to hardenings for R = Dy, and show an intermediary behavior for R = Eu in the temperature range between TC/TN and T*. On the other hand, the low-frequency anomalous phonon behaviors show softenings for R = Bi and hardening for R = Eu and Dy in the same paramagnetic range ( TC/TN


espectroscopia de magnetic correlations double perovskite raman raman spectroscopy spin-phonon coupling perovskita dupla acoplamento spin-fonon correlações magneticas magnetic frustration frustração magnetica

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