Aconselhamento em DST/aids: uma análise crítica de sua origem histórica e conceitual e de sua fundamentação teórica / Counseling in STD/aids: a critical analysis of its historical and conceptual origin and theoretical foundation.




In spite of the fact that in different regions of the world counseling in the field of STD/aids is considered as one of the main strategies for the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention techniques applied in the services available to STD/aids and in basic health services, studies done nationally and internationally show that this practice still concentrates a significant amount of weaknesses and problems. These relate mainly to the lack of a clear expression and thought on the definition, conceptualization, structure and format for the role of counseling, as well as its limitations and possibilities. This study proposes to rescue the historical and conceptual origins of counseling in STD/aids, and to identify and critically analyze the main theoretical concept used as the basis for the reference material on counseling in STD/aids, pointing out its contributions, limitations and possibilities of application. It is, therefore, a qualitative study by nature, based on the analysis of documents on counseling in general, counseling in STD/aids, and on the main theoretical current identified in the material: the Client Centered Therapy, by Carl Rogers. In addition to identifying the historical origin of the imprecision in the concept of counseling as a social practice, this study makes clear the potentialities and weaknesses of the Client Centered Therapy to deal with the complexity of facets present in this epidemic, such as the existence of some differences and contrasts between the help practice proposed by this theoretical reference and the structure of counseling proposed by manuals, as well as some contradictions and ambiguities present in the proposal itself, designed for the counseling in the field of aids. One supports the idea that in order to make a consistent use of the Client Centered Therapy in the counseling for STD/aids, some changes in the concept, expectation, focus and positioning are necessary. First of all it is imperative to see counseling as a space where action is oriented towards the needs and characteristics of the client, and not to solve the multiple demands of the policy for the prevention and assistance, as it should never be seen as an isolated action, but it must always be inserted in a wider strategy where other kinds of interventions are added. It is important to revisit the idea of objectives, content, closed and predetermined results, enabling them to be centered on the person, the client, and therefore, to be more open, flexible or constructed jointly. Finally, it is important for a wider qualification and effectiveness of this practice, to use other theoretical and conceptual frameworks, which discuss other dimensions and aspects of the individual universe, not dealt with in this theoretical line.


theoretical models síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida terapia não dirigida. counseling counseling/history sexually trasmitted diseases aconselhamento nondirective- therapy. aconselhamento/história acquired immunodeficiency syndrome doenças sexualmente transmissíveis modelos teóricos

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