"Ações Culturais na Universidade de São Paulo e na Universidade de Buenos Aires: Aspectos Comparativos" / "Cultural actions in the University of São Paulo and the University of Buenos Aires: comparative aspects"




This research examines speeches, projects and attempts made by two Latin American universities: the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina to elaborate and implement cultural policies. Documents obtained through field work, are in form of organized registers of cultural practices utilized in these institutions. The gathering of these registers will also facilitate the creation of a data banks of these cultural practices at the University of Sao Paulo,Brazil. In the case of the University of Sao Paulo, there was a first attempt made from 1989 through 1995, to systematize the channeling of intentions and instructions to the development of cultural projects. During this period it was possible to analyze results of cultural intervention, which intended the construct of an anticipated cultural scene in the city of Sao Paulo. On the other hand, at the end of the intervention of the military regime (1976-1983), the Centro Cultural Reitor Ricardo Rojas was created at the University of Buenos Aires, to channel cultural area, and document what was socially happening around the city of Buenos Aires. Thus, my objective is to compare the cultural administration of these two Latin American universities, observing the mechanisms used for an artistic practice and the role of each one of them on the cultural scene of these respective countries. This will be accomplished through the bibliographic gathering, to document, analyze, and compare cultural actions implemented by these institutions between 1989 and 1995.


cultural action usp and uba intervenção cultural ação cultural usp e uba cultural intervention política cultural (crítica) cultural politics (critical)

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