Acionamento de um motor de indução com comandos suaves de torque, utilizando a tecnica de controle vetorial por campo orientado




The project and implementation of control systems whith high performance and reliability for three phase induction motors need a complete modeling of the machine, in a moving reference system and the utilization of the vectorial method. The purpose of this work is the implementation of a system which uses the rotor field orientation technique (indirect method) to generate a set of three stator current references to be followed of a hysteresis current controller which fires the transitors of a voltage inverter. We also study the generation of a smooth speed profile for three phase induction motors with squirrel-cage rotor. Which are used, for example, in the traction of elevators. To this end it is studied a smooth acceleration profile, which could avoid abrupt torque variations in the motor, which would cause jerk ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


simulação (computadores digitais) motores eletricos de indução

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