Acionamento de dispositivos robóticos através de interface natural em realidade aumentada / Robotic device actuation through natural interface in augmented reality


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Since the beginning of History and particularly of the Industrial Revolution, human beings have sought to replace or supplement their workforce with devices and machines, in order to expand their productive capacity or to solve tasks for which the use of human power is not satisfactory or it is dangerous. This need pushed the development of robotic devices in the last century, which have become increasingly complex as technology advances. However, the more complex it is, more difficult its operation becomes. Reducing these devices operational complexity without compromising its effectiveness is a desirable goal that has driven significant research efforts lately. In this work, two different technologies are studied which can be applied in a complementary way to simplify robotic operation. The area of Natural Interfaces studies the creation of software mechanisms, based on natural forms of interaction between humans and computers, such as gestures and speech, in order to reduce the learning curve for the operation of complex systems, making it more intuitive. Augmented Reality has among its objectives to expand the knowledge about certain situations, presenting to the user additional instrumentation provided information. To accomplish this objective, Augmented Reality makes use of Computer Graphics techniques. It also allows the creation of simulated scenarios to evaluate the behavior of systems, or for virtually training the operators of these systems. In this work, an experiment was set up in which a robotic arm is activated through user gestures in an Augmented Reality environment. As a low cost commercially available equipment, the Kinect¿ sensor is adopted to capture the user s movement. An architecture was developed and tested with auspicious results, implementing the proposed natural interface to interpret the human gestures and to provoke the respective remote activation of the robotic platform through network communication.


interfaces de usuário (sistema de computador) realidade aumentada robótica user interfaces (computer systems) augmented reality robotics

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