Acidentes de trabalho ocorridos com trabalhadores da saúde nos diferentes processos de um plano de gerenciamento de resíduos de serviços de saúde / Accidents at work that occurred to the health professionals at the different steps to the management plan for health services waste




The main purpose of the study here presented is to analyze work accidents occurred to the health professionals at the different steps consisted in a management plan for health services waste of a hospital (MPHSW) from the municipality of São Paulo. The information collected was taken through to the survey of accidents registrations (Communication of Occupational Accidents CAT) during the years of 2002 and 2006, filed in the Service of Engineering of Security and Work Medicine (SESWM), of the selected Institution. It was selected 150 CATs, which 78 (52%) were related to accidents occurred while handling wastes. It was noticed that the majority of the professionals that suffered an accident were females (83,56%) with average age of 37,5 years old, nursing assistants (67,12%) during the morning shift as analyzed, was when the biggest number of accidents happened. Was accounted (37,73%), specially between 9 and 13 hours among women and 11 19 hours among men. Most part of the accidents occurred on the months of May (15,38%), October (12,82%) and July (11,53%), as watched the increase of notification numbers through the years. The Orthopedic and Plastic Surgery departments, which are situated at the same floor, and the Surgical Center, registered even bigger number of accidents (10,25%). Speaking of agents that causes accidents, the needles were the ones that provoke the biggest number of accidents (82,05%), causing needle stick injuries (80,77%) and cutting injuries (14,10%) that hit de upper body area (87,18%), mainly hands and fingers. Most of the accidents did not need a time off the job and none of the injured worker needed to be admitted to hospital. Over the researched CATs, there was the item CID 10 to be filled and has been observed that, the CATs percentage that did not have this item filled was very high (39,75%) while most of the filled ones, was referred to the XIX Chapter talks about injuries, poisoning and a few others consequences of external causes. It was noticed that the majority of the accidents (69,23%) occurred at the wastes segregation stage, followed by the packaging (23,07%). In 6 registrations it was not possible to identify the MPHSW stage. The information takes us to reflections about the handling and disposal of wastes at the moment of its creation beyond their way of packing. You may point out that the MPHSW inside an institution must provide to the health professionals, ways to make easier their daily activities with the least possibility of occurring work accidents. The change of behavior when facing a highly contaminate waste that shows risks to the worker himself, or to someone else, must exist to minimize the problem that comes after a work accident.


enfermagem hospital wastes health services doenças ocupacionais resíduos hospitalares occupational diseases nursing enfermagem serviços de saúde

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