Acesso ao diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar no cotidiano dos trabalhadores de saúde da atenção básica


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study aims at understanding access to diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in the lives of health workers in a town in the countryside of Minas Gerais. The General Representations Theory of Moscovici and the Central Nucleus Theory of Jean-Cloude Abric under Social Psychology perspective were adopted as theoretical-methodological reference. First it was necessary to know the workers profiles and to base on the free evoking technique to apprehend the social representations before the inductor terms, tuberculosis, diagnosis and access. The sample included 143 health workers from Ipatinga, Minas Gerais. These workers profile description was analyzed by means of simple frequency and the obtained structures through free evoking were processed by the software Ensemble de Programmes Pemettant IAnalyses des Evocations (EVOC) and analyzed through the Four-Spot Frame created by Pierre Verger. In the professional profile composition there often appeared Community Health Agents averaging two years of work time and graduation. From all workers, 67% received training about tuberculosis in the previous two years. Structures construction from evoking of the workers presented as central nucleus the terms symptoms, contagious, precocious, exam, Secondary Attention and health professions which represent precocious diagnosis elements performed by health professionals through acknowledging the symptoms and conducting exams with the complicating factor of being contagious and referred to the scope of secondary attention. As peripheral elements, the terms prevention, centralized, death, isolation and bureaucracy were found, which reinforces the sense of distance of the basic attention workers from the current reality of Tuberculosis and evokes a historical sense regarding the disease/sick person rather than technical.


enfermagem teses enfermagem decs tuberculose pulmonar/ diagnóstico decs pessoal de saúde decs atenção secundária à saúde decs questionários decs dissertações acadêmicas decs humanos decs

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