Ação hepatoprotetora do antioxidante quercitina no modelo esperimental de esteato-hepatite não alcoólica
Éder Marcolin
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
Introduction: Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is a disease with a high incidence, difficult diagnosis, and yet no effective treatment. This reasons lead to the use of experimental models for induction of NASH, and the study of routes developing this disease, as well as attempts to a effective therapy. Aims: This study was designed to develop an experimental model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis based on a methionine- and choline-deficient diet which is manufactured in Brazil. Furthermore, evaluate the liver alterations, oxidative stress parameters, lipoperoxidation, DNA damage, and the molecular parameters of inflammatory and fibrosis, as well as the response to the antioxidant flavonoid quercetin (Q). Methods: Male C57BL/6 mice were used with 8 weeks of age. In the first experiment, which aimed to establish an experimental model of NASH, the animals were divided into two groups (n = 15), the experimental group fed with a methionine- and choline-deficient diet manufactured by Brazilian company PragSoluções®, and the control group fed with a normal diet, for a period of 2 weeks. In the second experiment, we used four groups (n = 16): (i) Control plus Vehicle (control ration plus carboxymethylcellulose 1% used as vehicle, CO + V); (ii) Control ration plus Q 50 mg/kg (CO + Q); (iii) MCD diet plus vehicle (NASH + V); and (iv) MCD diet plus Q (NASH + Q). Diets were administered for 4 weeks, which aimed to evaluate the hepatic biochemical changes, the histopathological impact and immunohistochemical analysis, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes, the damage caused to DNA, and the molecular parameters of inflammation and fibrosis by assessment of mRNA of TNF-¿, HMGB-1, COX-2, CTGF, TGF-¿, MMP-9 and AREG by RT-PCR Protein expression and TLR-4, pJNK and JNK by Western blotting to assess the effects of supplementation of the antioxidant flavonoid Q. Results: The mice that received the methionine- and choline-deficient diet showed weight loss and significant increase in hepatic damage enzymes, as well as a decrease on systemic levels of glycemia, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and VLDL. The diagnosis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis was performed in 100% of the mice that were fed the methionine- and choline-deficient diet. All non-alcoholic steatohepatitis animals showed some degree of macrovesicular steatosis, ballooning, and inflammatory process. None of the animals which were fed with the control diet presented histological alterations. All non-alcoholic steatohepatitis animals showed significantly increased lipoperoxidation and antioxidant GSH activity. The comet assay revealed a significant increase in DNA damage in the NASH + V group, in comparison to CO + V. The NASH + Q group showed significantly lower DNA damage than NASH + V. The NASH+Q group showed a significant reduction of inflammation based on the expression of TNF-¿, HMGB1, TLR-4, COX-2 and JNK and a reduction in fibrosis based on the expression of CTGF, TGF-¿, MMP-9 and AREG in the liver. Conclusion: The low cost and easily accessible methionine- and choline-deficient diet explored in this study is highly effective in inducing steatosis and steatohepatitis in animal model, leading to alterations that are similar to those observed in human livers. The results demonstrate that an antioxidant supplementation of Q 50 mg / kg reduced the levels of lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, liver enzymes, as well as the levels of inflammation and fibrosis in the liver, suggesting protective effects of the liver in this model.
estresse oxidativo dano ao dna antioxidantes modelos animais de doenças figado gorduroso quercetina
http://hdl.handle.net/10183/54946Documentos Relacionados
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