Ação do estado e a exploração de um recurso de acesso comum, a castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa): estudo de caso na comunidade amazônica de Tres Islas, na Região de Madre de Dios, Peru / States action and exploration of a common-pool resource, the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa): case community study in Tres Islas, Madre de Dios Region, Peru


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




There are two remarkable characteristics during mankind history: the increasing capacity of human populations, exponentially in the last 300 years, to obtain energy and information and the increase in the complexity of the organization of their societies based especially on human interdependence. Economical and political pressures to satisfy the needs of the worldwide market put at risk the social reproduction of the Amazonian populations with their traditional ways of survival. This implies a threat to the political stability of the country. The research approach of this project focuses on the social-historical context to analyze institutions regarding the use of a common-pool resource. We have considered multiple functions (social, environmental, cultural) of these social practices, particularly, regarding the management and collective exploration of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). In this scenario, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the extent of use of the commonpool resource, the Brazil nut, governed by local laws and affected by governmental measures. The institutions related with the common-pool resources participate in the common property in a very long process. They can become stronger or more fragile depending on the governmental measures. These measures will be analyzed, constituting part of the puzzle necessary to be closer to a complex reality. The results of this project also propose to contribute with a reflection about the role of the State in the promotion and acknowledgment, or on the contrary, in the erosion on associated functions to forest extraction activities. In this particular case, about the communal exploration of the Brazil nut in Tres Islas. To develop the objective, we pursued to rescue and analyze the history of the Peruvian Amazon. We emphasized social-cultural processes of the community Tres Islas. Also, we pursued to characterize the exploration system of the Brazil nut in its specific ecosystem and identify the multiple functions associated to this extractive activity. After the analysis of the public policies affecting the management of the Brazil nut, in the community Tres Islas, it reported that everything is dependent on a States action. The methodological approximation of this research focuses, overall, in the analysis of interviews with harvesters of Brazil nuts. This allows us to present the characteristics of collective management of the land, discuss policies at regional and national level, and how cultural patterns or social-economical forces are related with decisions taken by individual and collective stakeholders about their social reproduction strategies. In conclusion, we observed that the rules used in the community Tres Islas for the activity of Brazil nut harvest, lead to a strong management system favorable to the preservation of the self-community management in forest activities. This also brings an economical advantage to the families and the strengthening of the social relations inside the community. At the same time, this system guides an extractive exploration contributing with the forest preservation in comparison with other activities. However, this self-managed system is under risk, governmental measures are thought and implemented without the corresponding acknowledgment of the multiple functions associated to this extractive activity.


brasil nut extrativism castanha extrativismo forestry policy multifuncionalidade da agricultura multifunctionality of agriculture política florestal políticas públicas public policies sustainability sustentabilidade

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