Abuso de minoria em direito societário: abuso das posições subjetivas minoritárias / Minority abuse in corporate law


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the exciting theme of minority abuse in the corporate law, of which many legal professionals have general empirical knowledge, extracted from their professional experience, but that, in the Brazilian law system, had not been the subject matter of a systematic analysis on the part of Brazilian law experts, that dedicated no more than some brief considerations to the theme, in spite of their undeniable importance and very rich experience accumulated in other countries, especially in France, Italy and Germany. Based on undeniable verifications that the minority, even if acting against a pre-established controlling group, exercises a true power and that, where there is power, there is always a possibility for degeneration and distortion of power, we sought to point out the assumptions characterizing minority abuse in the Brazilian corporate law, supported on inputs from comparative law. Actually, both the majority and the minority may exercise their rights abusively in a society, so that the study of the theme should not be understood as an attack on the position of minority groups, much on the contrary: only those who know the limitations of their powers are in a position to exercise them effectively, without fearing any reactions to their actions. Prepared under such perspective, this study is divided into five parts. The first of them, consisting of two chapters, intends to characterize minority abuse in corporate law analyzing for such, the several institutes employed by the doctrine in that task and defining their constitutive elements. In the second part, the author seeks to present the typology of minority abuse and its casuistry, highlighting situations that are most interesting or ordinary. The third part, in turn, discusses the delicate and intriguing problem of manners to repress minority abuses and possible contractual and statutory self-protection techniques. The fourth part brings brief considerations on the hypothesis, also very little explored in the doctrine, of equality abuse, that may get settled in societies where the voting capital is equally divided among shareholders and therefore, can only operate under the sign of unanimity. Finally, the fifth part presents the final considerations, with a summary of the main conclusions developed throughout the thesis.


abuse aumento de capital acionista minoritário assembleia geral conflicts of interest corporate law fraud on the majority minority sociedade anônima sociedade comercial

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