Abundant androgen regulated mRNAs in mouse submandibular gland: cell-free translation of renin precursor mRNA.


Submandibular glands of male mice contain at least four abundant mRNAs that occur at low concentrations in glands of females. The male-specific mRNAs code for polypeptides of 48,000, 43,000, 29,000, and 27,000 MW. Androgenic regulation of these mRNAs is illustrated by their apparent absence in glands of castrate males and by their accumulation in glands of females treated with testosterone. Selective hybrid-arrested translation experiments also indicate reduced levels of these male-specific sequences in female gland cytoplasm. The 48,000 MW male-specific polypeptide is reduced in translation products directed by gland mRNA from C57BL10/J mice (variants deficient in salivary renin), suggesting the corresponding mRNA codes for a renin precursor. The identity of this polypeptide is confirmed by immune selection with renin-specific antibody.

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