Abrahão Sanovicz: the project as a research. / Abrahão Sanovicz: o projeto como pesquisa




The personal life path of Abrahão Velvu Sanovicz, his work in architecture and his performance as professor, allow us to identify among his projects the one that was his main proposition: the project as a research. Abrahão was born in Santos (SP) in 1933, he graduated as bachelor in Architecture in 1958 by the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo in the Universidade de São Paulo, where he worked as professor from 1962 until 1999, work he performed untill the very last days of his life. Through the establishment of the procedures that would guide the architect for each work analysed; clarifying the conditions and reflections that conducted to the accomplishment his proposals; investigating the common grounds, enduring or essential in Abrahão Sanovicz´s attitude when creating his projects; and moreover, through the investigation of how the synthesis of all knowledge in the creation of the object - the Archictecture; we will search a wide understanding of the whole elaboration process of the project.


arquitetura moderna abrahão velvu sanovicz brazilian architecture modern architecture arquitetura brasileira abrahão velvu sanovicz

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