Abordagens para aprendizado semissupervisionado multirrótulo e hierárquico / Multi-label and hierarchical semi-supervised learning approaches


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In machine learning, the task of classification consists on creating computational models that are able to automatically identify the class of objects belonging to a predefined domain from a set of examples whose class is known a priori. There are some classification scenarios in which each object can be associated to more than one class at the same time. Moreover, in such multilabeled scenarios, classes can be organized in a taxonomy that represents the generalization and specialization relationships among the different classes, which defines a class hierarchy, making the classification task, known as hierarchical classification, even more specific. The methods used to build such classification models are complex and highly dependent on the availability of an expressive quantity of previously classified examples. However, for a large number of applications, it is difficult to find a significant number of such examples. Moreover, when few examples are available, supervised learning algorithms are not able to build efficient classification models. In such situations it is possible to use semi-supervised learning, whose aim is to learn the classes of the domain using a few classified examples in conjunction to a considerable number of examples with no specified class. In this work, we propose methods that use the co-perspective disagreement based learning approach for both, the flat multilabel classification and the hierarchical classification tasks, among others. We also propose other methods that use active learning, aiming at improving the performance of semi-supervised learning algorithms. Additionally, two methods for the evaluation of multilabel and hierarchical learning algorithms are proposed. These methods define strategies for the identification of the majority multilabels, which are used to estimate the baseline evaluation measures. A framework for the experimental evaluation of the hierarchical classification was developed. This framework includes the implementations of the proposed methods as well as a complete module for the experimental evaluation of the hierarchical algorithms. The proposed methods were empirically evaluated considering datasets from various domains. From the analysis of the results, it can be observed that the methods based on co-perspective disagreement are not effective for complex classification tasks, such as the multilabel and hierarchical classification. It can also be observed that the main degradation problem of the models of the semi-supervised algorithms worsens for the multilabel and hierarchical classification due to the fact that, for these cases, there is an increase in the causes of the degradation of the models built using semi-supervised learning based on co-perspective disagreement


active learning aprendizado ativo aprendizado semissupervisionado classificação hierárquica classificação multirrótulo hierarchical classification multi-label classification semi-supervised learning

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