Abordagens industriais ambientais : solucionar problemas de poluição ou buscar sustentabilidade ambiental? / The industrial environmental approaches : solving pollution problems or searching for environmental sustainability?




The industrial sector has began, in the 21st century, to rethink and redesign its production processes aiming to minimize natural resources depletion, to foster the use of environmental friendly materials, to research the impact related to the products throughout their life cycle, and to recognize the interdependence between environment and industrial systems in order to change from processes based on unidirectional flows of energy and materials into closed-loops systems. During this period, a number of instruments were developed to fulfill the industry needs. For that reason, this study analyzes the evolution of environmental approaches in the industrial scenario in order to discuss the instruments used to achieve the environmental sustainability of business


environmental engineering engenharia ambiental gestão ambiental industrial ecology environmental management ecologia industrial

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