Abordagens de objetos distribuídos aplicadas ao Simulador de Satélites do INPE / An approach for distributed objects applied to Satellite Simulator




The purpose of this paper is to present a study of a distributed object application to the Satellite Simulator, present in INPE. The distributed computing is rapidly gaining more importance in the computer field, however, there are a few tools available to design and model the distributed object system. A deficiency is noted in the process of correctly modeling this distribution, that is, how to improve the distribution according to the application characteristics and the user?s necessity, exploiting more actively this technology advantages and obtaining a better quality this way. Therefore, besides exploring characteristics of object distribution, the intention is to build up an analysis through the object distribution modeling, noting the user needs and aspects of the application. For this purpose, some techniques that will establish criteria and different methods of modeling will be proposed.


distributed processing fault tolerance processamento distribuído disponibilidade flexibilidade tolerância a falhas distributed objects objetos distribuídos. key words: availability

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