ABORDAGEM PRELIMINAR E INTEGRADA DA QUALIDADE DA ÃGUA DA MICROBACIA DO CÃRREGO DA AREIA BRANCA, CAMPINAS - SP / Preliminary and Integrative Assessment of Water Quality of the Micro-basin of CÃrrego da Areia Branca, Campinas, SP




The purpose of this study was to analyze the water quality of the micro-basin of CÃrrego da Areia Branca, through analysis of hydrologic (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity and clarity) and analysis of the benthic community of macroinvertebrates. Samplings were carried out at each fifth day in three distinctive sites of the micro-basin, from September 2005 to January 2006. The macroinvertebrates were identified at maximum level of family. It was carried out analysis of diversity and similarity to compare communities and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of biotic and hydrologic factors. Seven families were found: Chironomidae, Tipulidae, Simuliidae, Psychodidae, Glossiphoniidae, Tubificidae and Lymnaeidae. The family Chironomidae was the most abundant in the three sites sampled. The origin (Site 1) showed the best water quality compared as the other sites due to riparian vegetation around. The Site 2, located at 500m from the origin, had decreased water quality, however, showed the highest diversity. The worst water quality was observed in Site 3 which had near zero dissolved oxygen coupled with the high conductivity values (average 537,2 ÂS/cm). In such site, the taxons Chironomus, Psychodidae and Tipulidae were the most abundant. Conductivity and water clarity were the principal factors determining the low diversity of macroinvertebrates in the micro-basin. The findings of this study can be used as a baseline for further environmental monitoring for the future recovery of the CÃrrego da Areia Branca micro-basin.


qualidade da Ãgua water quality conservacao de solo e agua environmental monitoring cÃrrego da areia branca bioindicators cÃrrego da areia branca bioindicadores ambientais benthic macroinvertebrates macroinvertebrados bentÃnicos monitoramento ambiental

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