Abertura comercial e integraÃÃo regional: impactos da ALCA sobre as exportaÃÃes agrÃcolas brasileiras numa abordagem de equilÃbrio parcial




In the last decade of the 20th century, the Brazilian government initiated a policy to liberalize international trade in order to respond to expectation of inserting the country into the context of the globalized economies, also to promote internal stabilization. Simultaneously Brazil took part in regional free trade agreements, seeking the extention of trade relations. The main enterprise of integration in which Brazil was involved in this period was implementation of the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) as well as negotiations around the forming of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The processes of trade liberalization, economic stabilization and regional integration were concomitantly carried through, bringing particular benefit to the agricultural sector in such a way that Brazil is presently the second major agroexporter in the FTAA scene. Considering such aspect, this study intends to capture the probable effects of the Brazilian adhesion to FTAA in relation to the exportation of coffee, cacao, soy, sugar, orange juice, meat and tobacco in the period of 1989-2002. The effects suffered by trade are directly related to early trade restrictions, which were imposed to the partners and the volume of trade first verified amongst them. The present work aims to advance into what was already done, studying specifically the impact on the flow of Brazilian agro export trade in case of an eventual adhesion to FTAA, under the optics of the partial equilibrium developed through equations proposed by Laid and Yeats (1986) so as to estimate the first order effect, i.e., the reduction of trade restrictions through the elasticities approach. The conclusion to draw in relation to the simulations made for the period 1989-2002 â in both cases of partial or total liberalization of the trade restrictions imposed to Brazil by the FTAA member-countries â is that, for the group of products studied (except for tobacco), the effect trade creation turns out to be superior to the effect trade diversion, showing Brazilian agrobusiness as competitive inside FTAA


integraÃÃo regional â brasil agroexportation â brazil alca regional integration â brazil economia exportaÃÃes agrÃcolas â brasil ftaa

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