A whole idea blue: the figures of language resources such as language-expressive / Uma ideia toda azul: as figuras de linguagem como recursos linguístico-expressivos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis is a study on the expressiveness of fairy tales of the work A Whole Blue Idea, by Marina Colasanti. It is innovative because they are short texts, valuing the fantastic and for the outcomes of their stories, different from the traditional. Working with kings, queens, princes, princesses, unicorns, the author uses figures of speech that value the text, making its embroidery of words even more charming and instigating. Reflections about the oral narratives, the theories relating to popular stories, the understanding of childrens literature, fairy tales are present throughout the work, Marina Colasanti in Brazilian culture and the fantastic narrative, a summary of the work A Whole Blue Idea, stylistic as the basis of the research is the essence of figures of speech. It seeks to describe and analyze the most productive figures: metaphor, personification, hyperbole, synesthesia and euphemism. These are linguistic resources which give the tales of Colasanti the expressiveness that seduces the reader of all ages. Reality and fantasy are articulated harmoniously in a text that, to highlight the fantastic, unveils the universal meanings inherent to the human of all times


expressiveness figures of speech fairy tales colasanti, marina, 1937-. uma ideia toda azul literatura infanto-juvenil história e crítica figuras de linguagem lingua portuguesa análise do discurso narrativo contos de fadas expressão expressividade

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