A Vez e a Voz de Mulheres que atuam na atividade da pesca da Vila São Miguel (RS): Trajetórias e Perspectivas.




This study portrays the reality of three women who work with fished, living in the community of the village Are Miguel, situated in the city of Rio Grande/RS. This qualitative study uses verbal history as methodology; it begins of a collection of data gotten through individual and collective interviews and also local observations, what it made possible to know daily of work and the perspectives of the professional category. From this inquiry, it was possible to identify that the domestic workers constantly need to conciliate the commitment with the professional activity, being this in second place in virtue of the tasks of the home being perceived as natural attribution of the women. The research calls the attention for the feeling, on the part of the women in fisheries, of depreciation and invisibility of their professional activity, as well as the feeling of impotence ahead of environment degradation and, consequently, of the extinguishing of the fishes. The analysis of the narratives pointed to the necessity of a social and environment intervention that makes possible the participation and organization of the workers so that they rethink its daily and also reaffirm the social function of the professional category within the context of craftsman of fishing.


craftsman of fishing gender educacao female work gênero pesca artesanal trabalho feminino

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