A utilização de tecnologias digitais de geoprocessamento na identificação de unidades de paisagem na bacia hidrográfica do rio Iguaçu-Sarapuí (RJ) / The use of gis technology in identification of landscape units in the Iguaçu river




The Iguaçu River Falls is part of the river basin of Guanabara Bay. Its drainage area, with about 726 km2, corresponds to approximately 20% of the total area of contribution to the Bay, the order of 4600 km2. The municipalities covered by the Iguaçu River basin are: Nova Iguaçu, Duque de Caxias, Belford Roxo, São João de Meriti, Nilópolis, mosque and a small part of the city of Rio de Janeiro. This study aims to develop and present methodologies for the identification of landscape units in the RiverBasinFalls. For the development of this research used data from different sources and government planning addressing this issue. The data to which this text refers are in different cartographic scales approach, Sensory Landsat 7 Images, reports and diagnosis of the study area. The identification of landscape units in the Iguaçu River basin is made from the division of relief units and information on land use, geological and soil. The work will be based on support of digital technologies of GIS allows a better correlation between different types of information both from physical, geological as well as from human activity, classifying them as to the degree of intervention. The expected outcome of work in this region is a diagnosis of the limitations and susceptibility to development of certain activities spatially distributing them in the basin.By analysis of the statement of Geomorphology and identifying the main relief units between them we can highlight: the escarpment of the sea, hills and massive coastal and finally the unit talus / colluvial and alluvial plain. These compartments correlated with the predominant use of land, allowed the generation of seven landscape units: 1 - floodplain with sprawl; 2 - Lowland river floodplains with a predominance of mangroves and Environmental Protection Area; 3 - Hills of occupation and livestock farming; 4 - Massive Coastal Living with a predominance of rain forest, 5 - massively intrusive fragments of Atlantic Forest 6 - Talus / Colluviums with occupation and livestock farming; 7 - sheer cliffs with forest.


unidades de relevo sistema de informação geográfica geomática geoprocessamento engenharias hydrograph basin morphology units geographic information system and planning paisagem integrada diagnóstico ambiental modelagem de dados espacial

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