A usinagem do capital e o desmonte do trabalho : reestruturação produtiva nos anos 90, o caso da Zanini S/A de Sertãozinho-SP / The capital machining and the dismounting of the work : productive reorganization in the 90s, the case of Zanini S/A de Sertãozinho-SP




In the last few decades, the way of capitalist production is passing by an intense transformations in its form of accumulation, reorganizing its productive processes and work relations. In Brazil, this process of change initiates in the middle 80s, but it is intensified only during the decade of the 90s, from the commercial opening and the internationalization of the economy, demanding, from the companies, technological innovations, new forms of organization for the production and new methods of management of the work force. Focusing these transformations in a study concerning Zanini S/A Heavy Equipment, in Sertãozinho-SP, the objective in this dissertation was to understand: 1) how the development of the productive reorganization process happened in this company in the 90s and the industrial reorganization that it generated on the metallurgic sector of the city; 2) which were the impacts produced by this process on the workers, and if it influenced in the position of the Union of Metallurgist in the 90s, regarding the position that this entity kept in the 80s. By means of a wide concrete research, that counted on bibliographical survey about the subject, data survey, documentary research and mainly interviews with workers, syndicalists and entrepreneurs, an analytical picture was constituted trying to perceive and to disclose the phenomena and the social processes which happened because of the productive reorganization of Zanini on its workers and on the Union of Metallurgist. The results demonstrates that the productive reorganization operated at Zanini, generated mass unemployment and bad work conditions in the company during the period of crisis, fusing and incorporation for Dedini. In the meanwhile, the process of industrial reorganization in the company from the introduction of new productive processes isobserved and also, new forms of management and organization of the work force, with the attempt of economically, socially and politically co-opting and breaking up the metallurgic workers. It was also verified, that the Union of Metallurgist - ahead of such transformations of the capital to extend its control on the work-, found difficulties in mobilizing itself. Thus, one perceives an alteration in its form of organization and performance, because to be filiated to the Syndical Force, its political orientation gets modified; stopping being a militant Union, as it was in the 80s, to consist a Union of participation and contribution with the capital in the 90s


corporations industrial metal-workers trabalhadores - efeito de inovações tecnologicas sindicatos - metalurgicos labor productivity produtividade do trabalho employees empresas industriais - reorganização - brasil

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