A universidade sob a otica da extensão universitaria : analise da função extensão universitaria no pensamento do professor universitario de Educação Fisica




Professors, university heads and government, debating the Brazilian public university during the 80 s, argued that university extension, as an academic instrument, should inseparably associate teaching and research enabling social changes. Having presupposed that research and teaching should respect the direct relation with society in an interdependent process of experiences, independently of the function of university extension, this new rethinking about the directions of the university for this function, as a concrete possibility to execute a new university institution, has shown itself questionable to the author. Therefore, it was the preoccupation of this work the hypothesis that when university extension is defined as the main instrument responsible for articulating teaching and research, the crisis of the Brazilian university is preponderantly evidenced. It becomes public that academic and scientific performance is disconnected from social, curricular and institutional objectives, and that physical education university professors, impregnated with the speech that this function priorly ensures the relation society -university and acts as redeemer of the social and academic problems (professional formation), contribute for a discharacterization process of the teaching and research functions. In this perspective, the goal of this work constituted in analyzing the construction process of the conception of university extensiqn which supports the implanted policies in the historical trajectory of the Brazilian university, from its origin until nowadays and, especially, examine how physical education in the university extension in UNICAMP (State University of Campinas) and in UNESP (State University of São Paulo in Rio Claro) is being characterized. ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


extensão universitaria - brasil educação fisica ensino superior universidades e faculdades

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