A TV, o outro e o mesmo: figuras da alteridade e traços identitários no Jornal Hoje da Rede Globo




The present work intends to deepen the debate regarding Brazilian television broadcasting, especially concerning to telejournalism and its influence on cultural identities expression and othernesses. The issue is pertinent to a time when TV is no longer just a device but has instead become a tool for political power drift, or social and cultural controlling, as it happens nowadays. Therefore, of the news Jornal Hoje, from Rede Globo de Televisão was carried what is the identity group of reference and how the otherness figures emerge for the socio-semiotics conception of Éric Landowski. The news is broadcasted in standardized patterns throughout Brazil a continental dimensions, that harbors multiple identity figures, and is farraginous by nature. The analysis corresponded to systematically following the news releases, seeking to identify the cultural reference of the reports and the way how the othernesses appear in it, with basis on the recognition of newsworthiness criterions and otherness presentation categories. At the end of the work, it was verified that the news Jornal Hoje has as main reference for its reports patterns the Rio-São Paulo axis. It was also possible to realize that Rede Globo de Televisão constructs the other in its reports thru lots of different ways to treat the reference group regarded the otherness shown on TV.


identidade alteridade tv globo tv globo telejournalism comunicacao identity televisão telejornalismo television otherness

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