A tutela penal da moralidade pública e do erário público nos crimes previstos na lei n. 8.666, de 21 de Junho de 1993: um estudo sobre os aspectos jurídico-penais da lei n. 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, e suas implicações




Present work is an analysis of the legal-penal aspects of the auctions and contracts of the administration, according to the predicted penal arrangements in the Law n. 8.666 of 21 of June of 1993, with the lawful and constitutional beginnings of the administration that govern the auctions and contracts, the well legal penal one and his identification, the beginning of the most minimum intervention, with the illicit administrative one and the Administrative they related to the subject, with the general aspects regarding the crimes, with the crimes in sort under the subjective and objective aspects, the respective sanctions and too questions regarding the matter. Justifies-itself the importance of the present I study on account of little given attention to the subject, that reflects in scarce works, considering the importance of the guardianship extended to the Administration in the moments in that, for achievement of his ends, should hire with the private in accordance with the administrative morality and with the correct job of the public exchequer


brasil -- [lei n. 8666, de 21 de junho de 1993] contratos administrativos -- brasil contratos auctions direito contracts licitacao publica -- brasil crime contra a administracao publica -- brasil licitações

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